How to get rid of worms at home without pills

Folk remedies for worms

No one is safe from helminths entering the body. This problem is very delicate, which is why people treat worms at home for fear of condemnation. However, it is best to consult an infectious disease specialist and undergo therapy under the guidance of a doctor.

But you can also fight parasites on your own. In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are hundreds of different options, since this is an ancient problem that was solved long before the first pills appeared. In this article we will talk about the potential danger of helminthiasis to humans and how to get rid of worms.

How do worms get into the human body?

Itching caused by worms

The human body is an ideal habitat for parasites: the human body is always warm and moist, so there is plenty of food for them. Helminths try to get in using all available means:

  • through unwashed hands, dirty toys;
  • with food of animal origin that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • through untreated water (when swimming in a pond or river);
  • in contact with pets (with fur, saliva);
  • from mother to baby through the placenta;
  • during intimacy;
  • through blood.

Once in the body, the worms migrate through the organs and colonize the space from the liver to the eyes and brain. Although the life of an adult worm rarely exceeds 2 months, this period is enough to leave rich offspring.

How dangerous are parasites?

Why are parasites dangerous

Fighting helminths is crucial because they pose a serious danger to the body:

  • reduce immunity. Constant colds, inflammatory processes and infections are caused by worms. A person can "run to doctors, " drink immunostimulants and not know anything about the true cause of their poor health.
  • lead to poisoning. During their lifetime, helminths release toxic substances. They accumulate in the body and cause poisoning and serious organ damage.
  • trigger allergies. A patient may perform hundreds of tests for allergens and not realize that removing worms is enough to solve the problem.

There are about 250 species of parasites, and infection with some of them has terrible consequences:

  • Intestinal volvulus.
  • Liver cirrhosis, abscess.
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis.
  • Brain damage, paralysis.
  • Infertility.
  • severe anemia.
  • Fatigue, developmental delay in childhood.

Signs and symptoms of infection

Signs of a parasite infestation

Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body:

  • weakness, a person gets tired quickly;
  • low hemoglobin level (however, this is not always the case).
  • increased anxiety, restless sleep, teeth grinding at night.
  • Digestive problems: Constipation or diarrhea may occur (depending on the type of helminth).
  • frequent allergic reactions.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Headache migraine.

In advanced cases, complications occur. It is therefore important to recognize the presence of a helminth infestation in good time and to eliminate the worms quickly.

If helminth infestation is suspected, a stool examination is carried out. To clarify the diagnosis you may need: a smear, ultrasound of internal organs, muscle biopsy, blood test, etc.

Treatment of worms with folk remedies at home

Treatment with folk remedies

If a stool analysis shows the presence of parasite eggs, treatment must be continued. You can buy the drug at the pharmacy, the choice is large. But the list of disadvantages is no less extensive:

  1. By poisoning worms, the drug supplies the body with toxins.
  2. there is a high risk of purchasing a counterfeit drug;
  3. a large number of side effects;
  4. aggressive effect on the microflora of the stomach.

Knowing this, many people prefer to treat helminths themselves, using remedies that have proven themselves for generations.

Benefits of Traditional Medicine:

  • gentle on humans but harsh on worms;
  • relative security;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • Restoration of the body.

Getting rid of worms at home takes place in three steps:

  1. Preparation whose purpose is to get rid of toxins. Use pumpkin oil, drinking 1 teaspoon each with breakfast, dinner and lunch.
  2. direct poisoning of helminths.
  3. Elimination of the consequences, recovery period.

Despite all the advantages, you should also be careful with folk remedies and follow the recommendations:

  • They should not be used in children under 2 years of age;
  • Pregnant women can use traditional medicine only after consulting a doctor;
  • Do not use in case of exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, liver and kidney diseases;
  • Read the prescription carefully and find out if the patient has any contraindications.

Please note that before treatment you need to find out what type of parasites have settled in the body. If you can easily fight roundworms, pinworms and other species at home, then there are helminths, the treatment of which poses a problem even for doctors. Among them: beef tapeworm, lamblia, filaria, etc. This type of infestation should only be treated under the supervision of parasitologists and infectious disease specialists.

How to get rid of worms: folk remedies

The choice of remedy depends on the patient's age, the type of helminths and taste preferences. The easiest way to eradicate parasites is in adults: more options and fewer restrictions.

Traditional recipes for adults

Onions are not a friend of helminths. The peels are washed, crushed, wormwood is added and cooked over low heat for half an hour. Share: st. a spoonful of husks, the same amount of grass and 1 liter of water. Remove from heat and let rest for 2 hours. Strain and let cool to 37 degrees. Use as an enema.

Take wormwood and onion peels in the same proportions, add tansy and sea buckthorn. Prepare a decoction, let it stand and drink a glass every morning and before bed. This way you can cure worms in 3 days.

Tincture with onions against worms

Parasites don't like spicy foods. To get rid of them, it is enough to eat a head of raw onion (medium size) or 100 grams daily. Spring onion feathers.

You can quickly get rid of worms by mixing onion juice with honey: 1 teaspoon for 15 minutes. before meals during the day and the problem is solved.

A universal fighter is garlic. With its help, they protect themselves not only from vampires, but also from:

  • Lamblia;
  • Toxoplasma;
  • amoebas etc.

To remove uninvited guests, you should prepare a tincture: 50 g. Pour two glasses of vodka over the peeled cloves. Pour into a dark bowl and let rest for a week. Then drink 20 drops of tincture 30 minutes before meals. Healing will take 2 weeks.

Pumpkin seeds. A specific toxin, cucurbitin, kills parasites and has no effect on humans. This gives the seeds a magical effect. 100 pieces spread throughout the day serve as medicine and prevention.

Please note: After treatment, dead worms will be excreted in the feces for 2 to 4 days. Avoid using strengthening products at this time, but instead do a cleansing enema every evening.

Walnut. The seeds are crushed and mixed with honey. You eat it in the morning before breakfast.

The fruit shell of the nuts (100 g) is poured over half a liter of vodka. Insist in a place protected from light for 14 days. Drink a teaspoon three times a day. The tincture is useful for digestion and pancreatic stimulation.

Tansy inflorescences. You can get rid of helminths (roundworms, pinworms) by grinding the inflorescences into powder and mixing them with honey in equal proportions. Take twice daily 30 minutes before meals. On the third day, do a cleansing enema in the evening: this completes the treatment.

Important: The plant is poisonous, so caution is advised. Do not pass on to children.

Wormwood. Combine 100 gr. herbs and pumpkin seeds. Add 500 gr. Vodka. Leave in the dark for 7 days. Drink 20g. Morning and evening for 14 days. Contraindicated in nursing and pregnant women, as well as in patients with ulcers.

Immortelle decoction against parasites

Immortelle. Pour 200 g into a thermos flask. Plants, add half a liter of boiling water. Leave on for 12 hours and consume 100 grams for 10 days. 4 times a day.
Together with immortelle, you can brew chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula in equal proportions.

Bath with herbs. You need to combine chamomile flowers, yarrow, deyasil root, calamus, mint leaves, walnuts and cumin. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours. Take a bath with warm water, add the tincture and enjoy the procedure for at least 20 minutes.

How to cure a child from helminthiasis?

Parasites in a child

The fight against worms in childhood should be as delicate as possible. Some people recommend an enema with garlic or onions. Such treatment harms the baby more than parasites. It is much safer to prepare tasty and healthy products.

Peel and chop pumpkin seeds and mix with honey. Eat for 5 days.

  • Mix half a glass of carrot juice with 1 tsp. Drink honey twice a day for 3 days.
  • If your baby eats garlic, give him a clove for a week.
  • A bath with a decoction of oat straw (3 tablespoons of straw per liter of boiling water, pour and add to the water when bathing) also helps to cure worms in a child.
    If therapy is not successful, consult a doctor.

Therapeutic approach for pregnant women

Worms in pregnant women

Drugs can cross the placenta and harm the embryo. However, the lack of treatment for helminthiasis leads to inadequate nutrition of the fetus and its infection. To avoid this, you should resort to folk remedies.

  • Drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice on an empty stomach every morning. However, not longer than 7 days so that the baby does not develop an allergy to it in the future.
  • Eat dill seeds on an empty stomach. Consume foods with a laxative effect in the evening.

How to get rid of worms in a day?

The realization that there are worms inside that move and feed on tissue makes me tremble. There is a desire to remove them immediately. This is quite possible with folk remedies.

effective ways to combat worms

Cognac. If you drink this drink at night (at 2 p. m. ), the helminths will detach from the intestinal walls and will not be able to attach themselves again for a long time. It is enough to drink a laxative after half an hour and forget about the problem.

Pumpkin, honey, water - the worms will disappear forever. You need to peel the kernels (100 pieces), pass them through a meat grinder, add half a glass of water and the same amount of honey. Eat on an empty stomach. After 4 hours you need to do an enema. In this simple way you can get rid of helminths in one day.

Pomegranate. Add a teaspoon of dried pomegranate peel to 500g. Water and put on fire. Leave on the stove until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Allow to cool and drink in one serving. Take a laxative in the evening.

Herbs against worms

Remember that it is not always possible to remove worms from a person in one home treatment. There may still be surviving eggs that will cause reinfection when they hatch. It is therefore important to get tested after a month and repeat the treatment if necessary.